There are three types of friendship according to Aristole — of pleasure, of virtue, and of utility. And apparently, you, my dear reader, falls in the category of friendship of ulitity, you are valued based on what benefits you can bring in the table. Your friendship is formed based on what they need and desires, and if what they desire cannot be accomplished by you, will they really call you their friend?
Your friends asked you for an answer in a test, and you were unable to provide an answer for you didn’t study. As you weren’t able to provide one, you are useless in their eyes. How terrible it is isn’t? You pick up the pieces they let you have, cause you should never be given the whole. To never be given a whole because you didn’t provide a piece of your skills and knowledge. What a sick place to be called home, to only be deemed family when you contribute to rent.
Tell me, my dear reader, is it worth it to be used if you were to be a friend to them? I believe you think it is. You think as long as they need you, you are their friend. But remember this, a friendship shouldn’t have a cost to be called one. A friendship shouldn’t be built on contributions and benefits. A friendship shouldn’t make you feel used, but make you feel loved. Surround yourself for those who care and need you even when times get good or bad. You must feel, “ahh, they’re grateful for my existence because I’m their friend”, and not “ahh, they’re grateful for my existence because I can provide for them”